My sweet Emmett,
"GO TO SLEEP EMMETT" is our current state. You take naps like its your job but at night it has been a whole other story. All I have keep saying to myself is "this to shall pass." Besides that you are an awesome little boy to be around. Emmett you had your first Thanksgiving and almost died 2 or 3 time! So you survived! I first gave you sweet potatoes that were too spicy (I was just not thinking I guess) and you started to choke and the other time you literally jumps out of your Dad's arms and almost face planted it on the tile floor. Thank goodness he has quick reflexes! Just before Thanksgiving time you decided you will only eat solid food with adult silverware. No more plastic spoons for you, you want to be like us! You also graduated up to a big boy carseat. I'm pretty jealous, it feels like temperpedic inside of it! Emmett you are starting to wave hi and bye to mom and dad when we leave the house or put you to sleep, its soooo cute when you do! You also have a new found love for chatting. You do a lot of "Blah Blah Blah" but sometimes I swear you are saying "Habla Habla Habla" ahahha. I think you are going to be a soccer player just like your daddy. You will walk round (with our help) and actually follow your soccer ball around and kick it! It seriously amazes me that you already do this! We went to Andrew's CFA ceremony this month in downtown San Diego. It was a surreal feeling actually having Andrew be done with all the studying and get his certificate. We are so proud of him! Emmett you are a crazy kid in the bath. You wont sit still, you just flop on your belly and swim, kick, and splash around its too cute! So I ordered an ornament for your First Christmas with a picture of you on it and you LOVE it! Emmett you will go over the christmas tree and smile soooo big and reach for the ornament (we think you like yourself! ha). You are still OBSESSED with Curious George. I think we might have to have your first birthday party Curious George themed! You shake your head no all time, I don't know where you got that one from. When we play and you are crawling around you will all of a sudden stop and look back at me a strike your famous 'model pose' its pretty darn funny.
xoxo - Mom