My sweet Emmett,
You started this month out quite interesting by crawling backwards....I looked away for a second and you ended up under the coffee table. You sure put a smile on my face by all the silly things you do! You now are army crawling forwards and you are getting pretty fast. You have 4 teeth coming in on top which just blows my mind, and the 2 on the bottom. Emmett you are loving to give momma kisses these days, I don't know if they are intentional or not but I call them kissy's :) One thing you love doing these days is going to the park for a little afternoon date and picking at the grass, it fascinates you. You no longer are a vegetarian either! You ate chicken as your first meat and you liked it. Daddy even let you try some pizza this month from his favorite spot, Pizza Port! Emmett you aren't afraid of the waves at the beach anymore! This makes your daddy so proud and excited for the future and to take you out surfing with him. We got to play in the sand with you and let the water come up and get us, you loved it! Daddy and I got to celebrate our 2 year anniversary this year at the Grand Del Mar, it was awesome getting away for a night but we sure did miss you little guy ;) You loved getting to see your Uncle and Auntie too. Halloween is in a couple weeks and I am pretty excited to dress you up!
xoxo - Mom