My Sweet Boys,
Life lately with a 19 & 2 month old! Its crazy to put it gently, but I do have to say I am pretty darn proud of myself by the end of the day for surviving the day lol! It is getting easier each week! Phew! Emmett likes to pretend to pump, its pretty funny! He even makes the noise and everything! I am trying to still spend as much one on one time with Emmett when I can, I know it has been a big change for him. One of Emmett's favorite things to do when Grandma & Grandpa from Minnesota were visiting was to swat all the flies..what a boy! Ben is still sleeping a ton and starting to look more like a little boy. He is just so sweet! He also likes to make the funniest faces and then smile real big! Can't wait to see you grow Ben!
XOXO - Mom