Sunday, March 15, 2015

1 Year!!!!!! WE MADE IT!

My sweet Emmett,

I can't believe 1 year ago I gave birth to you my little love! We went in to be induced and that did not work, I guess you were just too darn comfy in there and did not want to come out. After being in labor for over 24 hours I had to have c-section and that was the day my heart grew and your daddy and I fell in love with you.  I love you more and more each day and I feel so lucky to be able to be a stay at home mama to you and see you change, grow and discover new things each day! This past month we finally were able to put together your wagon you got for Christmas and you love it! We go on wagon rides almost every day around the block. Emmett you are so loving, you have a "Baby Faces" book and you kiss the babies in the book.  Its sooooo adorable! We finally got you shoes that actually fit your chunky feet and you love to stick them on and walk/run around the cul-de-sac (with our help still).  Please start walking by yourself soon!!! :)  I think you will any day now, you can go much further distances by yourself now.  We have down feather couch and once in a while a feather finds its way out of the couch, you find them and tickle your face and giggle when you find them.  Speaking of being tickled, your dad has taught you to love getting your head tickled just like he does! You know that when your daddy gets home from work that it is time to be chased, jump on the bed, and rough house time.  When you see your dad you smile super big, giggle and then crawl away just so he came come sweep you off the floor and give you a big ol' kiss! When I say, "Dance Emmett!" you stand there and rock back and forth and clap your hands. Also, whenever a song ends you start clapping, I see some concerts in your future! Emmett you still are such a big guy! You are 100% of height, 99% for weight and 99% for head circumference.  We are all so proud of you and are excited for another year with you! Love you so much!

xoxo - Mom