Friday, May 1, 2015

Spring Time is Here

My sweet Emmett,

You feel like an official toddler now big boy! I can now finally call you a "walker" and I love it! Over the past couple months you have discovered (kind of, at least I think so) that we are having another baby.  I will sit on the ground and say "kiss the baby" and bend down and hug/kiss my stomach.  It really is so sweet.  Emmett you are such a little helper. You like to help unload the dishwasher, do the laundry, vacuum the house and sweep outside.  Emmett the beach is your place! You love just going down and sitting in the sand and digging holes and throwing sand in the air! We celebrated your second Easter and oh fun it was to watch you find Easter eggs in the backyard.  You loved it and still play with the eggs.  Andrew and I got to go on a weekend away to Del Coronado Hotel (Andrew's gift to me for my birthday).  It was so nice to get away and relax a bit.  Thank you babe for a wonderful weekend!!!!  Nana took you and I on a little adventure to the Sealife Aquarium at Legoland.  It was so fun exploring with you, seeing the fish, and eating ice cream cones together! A day I won't forget!!!

xoxo - Mom