Thursday, July 16, 2015

16 Months and letting everyone know it!

My Sweet Emmett,

This is the last month we have together alone before the baby comes. I'm trying to soak up these special moments with you and make the most of everything.  We have been up to some fun things this past month.  We went to a trampoline park, the fair for Father's Day and visited the goats, had a donut date, and in the neighborhood 4th of July parade.  Daddy went to New York and rang the bell on NASDAQ.  We are so proud of him and all that he does, we do wish we could have been there though.  Emmett, we finally gave in a got you your first car!!!! Love is an understatement. Well next time I post baby boy will most likely be here.  We can't wait to snuggle and meet him!!!

xoxo - Mom