Friday, June 20, 2014

Fitness Friday

Stroller strides motivation
All of you that know me know that I can't wait to get back to the gym! 3 more months and I will be back at it.  Until then, I have created my own little at home routine. I order to do this I set up and area in our living room to workout.  I have my yoga mat laid out, couple sets of weights (one heavy, one light), a resistance band, and a exercise ball.  I am kind of amazed what a good workout I get at home.  There are so many ways you can use your home to workout, just use your imagination!  Stairs for a warm up, stairs to jump up and down on, stair rail with resistance band for squat and rows, wall for wall sits, stairs for dips!  I like to do it in the morning to get it over with and have a good start to my day.  I either do it while Emmett is taking his morning nap or I just put him in his little chair and he watches his momma! He loves when I jump around for him and count out my sets out loud for him! 

Monday: Back and Biceps - beach run
Tuesday: Stroller Strides
Wednesday: Legs - beach run
Thursday: Stroller Strides
Friday: Chest, Triceps, and Shoulders - beach run

Momma's you can do it! I know my body is not back to where it was yet, but it will get there.  I can already see the changes happening. Everything takes time, just stick to it!!!! :)

Friday, June 13, 2014

Fitness Friday - Stroller Strides

When I got pregnant one of my gym friends told me about Stroller Strides and how it is a great way to meet other moms.  I was totally interested because I could get in a good workout plus meet other moms going through the same things I was.  So just 2 days after my ok from my doctor to workout again, she invited me to a class! I really do love going to class each week.  It's been a fun and exciting way to meet up with the other moms I have gotten to know and whip this body back into shape!  All the moms are so supportive and motivating.  Just the simple things such as getting to class. Feeding the kids, packing a diaper bag, making sure you have water, getting ready, loading that ever so bulky jogging stroller into the trunk, packing your baby up and you're off! Yes, some days it's hard getting out the door but once I am there I am so glad I went.  The workouts are stations that you run to with your jogger and a resistance band. At each station there is a new workout sequence to do.  There are always modifications if you are feeling weak that day or if you want to kick some butt! Each workout is a full body workout, yet some days the instructor will focus on certain areas such as a "butts and guts day". I would recommend trying a class for all you moms out there! ENJOY!

So ladies, no excuses! Get out and workout! Those babies are watching you a their role model ;)

Monday, June 9, 2014

3 Months

My sweet Emmett,
Woo hoo baby! We hit the milestone of 3 months. You are so interactive now which make you so much fun! In this last month you started sleeping in your crib, and you are doing great in it. Thank goodness!  You sleep from about 8:30pm till 4:30am. We can't complain! Emmett you also discovered your hands and feet.  You can now reach and bat at your toys, hold onto your favorite new ball I got you and you love to stare at your feet. The beginning of this last month you surprised me one day during tummy time by rolling over!!!! I think you love to roll over just to try to get out of tummy time. When you are on your tummy though you are great at it, you love to reach for your crinkle book and look at all the animals in it. You also have some pretty strong legs little man! I think its from doing all those squats with your momma ;) When we hold you up you love to stand on the counter in our bathroom and look at yourself! You truly amaze your Daddy and I every day.
xoxo - Mom