My sweet Emmett,
Woo hoo baby! We hit the milestone of 3 months. You are so interactive now which make you so much fun! In this last month you started sleeping in your crib, and you are doing great in it. Thank goodness! You sleep from about 8:30pm till 4:30am. We can't complain! Emmett you also discovered your hands and feet. You can now reach and bat at your toys, hold onto your favorite new ball I got you and you love to stare at your feet. The beginning of this last month you surprised me one day during tummy time by rolling over!!!! I think you love to roll over just to try to get out of tummy time. When you are on your tummy though you are great at it, you love to reach for your crinkle book and look at all the animals in it. You also have some pretty strong legs little man! I think its from doing all those squats with your momma ;) When we hold you up you love to stand on the counter in our bathroom and look at yourself! You truly amaze your Daddy and I every day.
xoxo - Mom
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